Welcome to the 2019 Season!
Here at Springdale we are making some changes for the 2019 season. Check this page for more info about your membership
Email Issues ?
Are you receiving emails from the Farm?
Once we receive your payment we will send an email confirming your subscription. After that you should be receiving regular email newsletters from the Farm.
If you are not receiving them it could be because they are going into the spam folder, or we may not have your correct email address.
Please contact us directly so we can be sure we have your correct email address on file.
Farm Store
As a CSA member you have access to Springdale Farm's online store. The store (when active) has variety of items for sale which can include: extra produce from the farm, meats from other local farms, fruit, our home made kimchi and sauerkraut, etc.
To access the store you will need to login through your Harvie account.